Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I woke up to lots of messages and missed calls and was like, what the hell! I'm late!
I forgot there was choir today. I kinda mixed up the days and thought today was tuesday. LOL
So i had to run to school to fetch my brother, got lunch for him, ran back and ran out again to catch the bus to school. Lucky it's only 15 minutes to reach school! hahahhaa
I was early when i reached.And the curry puff was still warm when Melissa was eating it! The poor peeps ended lesson at 1.55 and choir was at 2. So i got stuff for pam and one extra puff.
Has to be warm okay!! I run to and fro and reached school in 15 inutes only. Yay. If it wasn't warm then i would feel so cheated.
There were sectionals and i actually enjoyed it. Except the part when we all had to sing individually. I was excused cos i still haven't really learnt it!
Zong yi's teaching is very efficient and still fun. So i did learn some parts when they were all going so fast.
Oh, she's the alto SL, if i'm not wrong. Correct me if i am.
I know more people/ people's names now! There are, kehui, minhui, seong mei, charmaine, chermaine, erin, zong yi, jasmine, josephine, rose, zheng kai, leon/noel(LOL). Mostly girls. Cos the guys stand too far away.
Alright i will try to
1. learn all my songs properly.
2. learn more people's names.
I am going to taiwan soon!! Call or sms me if you want anything, be it midget hot dudes, make up, clothes or shoes. If i can stuff into my luggage, or have enough money left if i haven't spent all on myself. :D
Then there's Elizabeth's bithday cum farewell(sobs) party on the 2nd! In case you don't know ( where have you been? living under a rock??), i'm announcing it here! She's going to Melbourne for further studies!!
It's this saturday, 2nd feb, at 7pm. She has sent out invitations people!! Buses that go are 133,135,853,147,107,100,153.
See you ALL there alright?
Anyway, i shall be getting to sleep now. Really tired. Thanks diy! For kinda staying up to discuss hairstyles with me. XD
And pamela!! Thanks for introducing people to me in choir. Hahahahaha.
I don't have pics to put up now, what is wrong with me?
Oh gosh.
Not forgetting...
Tip for the girls: Apply your blush color on a big blusher brush and then dab the brush a few times on the back of your hand. Any excess powder will be tapped off (usually it's too much). Then apply the powder on the apples of your cheeks. Voila! Instant au naturel look!
-you know you love me
Labels: the way you look at me
loved on 11:10 PM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I got into aj choir! haha. Now i just hope i can get into the school. The songs they are learning include Kasar! haha. Don't need to learn again.
Saw jonathan tan and jonathan quek and sinying ( ?? i dunno how to spell her name.) lol
Supposed to go out with weian today but we both too tired. LOL. So we went back to sleep again. hahaha
It's important not to let what others say about you affect you negatively. Where's your self worth and esteem? We are all beautiful people, c'mon.
But too much self confidence and you're considered conceited.
Anyway, QUEEN'S BACK!!
hahaha. And back with lots of funny pics from hongkong. Wish i'd gone but then i wouldn't have had time to decide my school, considering i am one very good with options.
Check out those pics at her blog!! Blog link at the side. Joanne!
Ahaha. Saw sinyee at aj too! hahaha. Pamela was like saying that the person in front looked so familiar. LOL
I want to go out with you guys again! Anyone going out anywhere ask me along too. :D
Alright for that tip of the day.
Tip for the girls: Always choose a yellow based foundation and not a pink based one even though you might have pink undertones. The yellow based foundation tones down the redness of your face.Labels: why don't you understand?
loved on 2:57 PM
Monday, January 28, 2008
Alright, people, now our schools are chosen ( who are the last min people who still can't decide?) and our fates sealed.
Anyway i had wanted to join SAJC. But then saw the silver for choir in the jae booklet. HAHA. I still want to join choir you know.
Even though i'm already in anderson alumni choir, but still!
I need to get in aj choir!
I think innova is really good, cos many people want to stay. Or at least made it one of their choices.
Its like, the second intake poeple are those who didn't score well enough in prelims or want to leave the school.
Because at their old school, it's
1. Full of idiots who do nothing but study.
2. Full of idiots who did nothing but party.
I realise that i'm not young anymore! Like, i always used to think of those NSmen as the older guys.
But it's like the current NS guys are Ziyuan, Jiahao and Yukai that batch. Which is just 2 teeny years older than me.
I'm almost the same age as NSmen!!
That's so so freaky! i don't wanna be! It's like, you're older now and probably can't do childish stuff anymore.
Like playing on the swings. Which i so love and still do. XD
Hahaha, not like anyone would care if we still did childish things right?
I need to tidy my room and think about what i want to do with my life. See? That's what the government wants us to do.
Think about your ambitions and occupations when you're 16. Decide what you want to do.
Steer your life there. Get caught in the rat race!
I'm not complaining or anything. Singapore is a great country. :D
And don't forget. We are getting older. eeep
Tip for the girls: Use a white eyeliner to line the very inner, bottom of your eyes to make them look fresher or to make your eyes look bigger.
Because you're worth it.
Labels: aging, choices, fun, schools, singing
loved on 11:39 AM
Everyone's freaking about choices right now. I got 12. After bonus, 8.
Not good, some say.
I shall choose Ajc. Some people might not approve but it's near and the choir's good.
It all boils down to the As.
I hope i can get into choir!
Choices choices.
I hate it.
Anyway been talking to some really crazy people. haha! love you guys.
We must all do our best no matter where we go, alright?
Labels: hariless people, LOLs, mates, schools, sun
loved on 12:08 AM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Bobbi Brown for your babies!
diaper balm
massage oil

silkening powderLabels: crazy random
loved on 4:15 PM
I woke up with a headache this morning and realized that i still cannot receive messages on my phone. What is wrong with my phone?!
I don't even feel like going out today as the DREADED DAY is tomorrow.
There are a few things i have to say here.
1. People who owe me money please pay up. I know you lovelies will do so.
Please return it as i am so broke right now and you don't want me to flare up and kill you on doomsday, if you aren't already dead.
2. PAY UP!
3. Make another ez-link card. I am not even trying to curse/hex/cast a spell on the person who took the card cos i'm too tired.
I know, and have always known the greedy and selfish nature of humans and their tendency to take what doesn't belong to them.
In case you're wondering, nope, i have never taken anything not belonging to me unless it was given.
4. Clean and vacuum my room.
5. Go out for a walk later.
6. Stop eating too much.
I haven't been shopping on account of my current financial state. Maybe that's why i'm so touchy and out of sorts.
And the fact that my toenails are chipped. Note: toenails. grr
I want an orangy or brown blusher. White eyeliner.
Tip for the girls: Use a flat brush to apply mascara on your bottom lashes
so they have more volume.
This is a flat brush. Just a little mascara will do. ;D
Labels: 23 more hours
loved on 2:43 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
All I'll can ever be to you
Is a darkness that we know,
And this regret I got accustomed to.
Once it was so right
When we were at our high,
Waiting for you in the hotel at night.
I knew I hadn't met my match,
But every moment we could snatch,
I don't know why I got so attached.
It's my responsibility,
And you don't owe nothing to me,
But to walk away I have no capacity.
He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way,
In this blue shade
My tears dry on their own.
I don't understand,
Why do I stress a man,
When there's so many bigger things at hand.
We could've never had it all,
We had to hit a wall,
So this is an inevitable withdrawal.
Even if I stop wanting you
And perspective pushes true,
I'll be some next man's other woman soon.
I couldn't play myself again,
I should just be my own best friend,
Not fuck myself in the head with stupid men.
He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way,
In this blue shade
My tears dry on their own.
So we are history,
Your shadow covers me,
The sky above ablaze
He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way,
In this blue shade
My tears dry on their own.
I wish I could say no regrets,
And no emotional debts,
Cause as we kiss goodbye the sun sets.
So we are history, Your shadow covers me,
The sky above ablaze that only lovers see.
He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way,
In my blue shade
My tears dry on their own.
He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I am grown
And in your way,
My deep shade,
My tears dry on their own.
He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way,
My deep shade,
My tears dry... Labels: tears dry on their own -amy winehouse
loved on 12:45 PM
Friday, January 18, 2008
There is just one more thing i want to do before the results are released. I want to go to sentosa. Hahahaha
I like beaches a lot. And the sea. And even if Singapore's beaches aren't that fabulous i still wanna go.
And i think i'm allergic to seawater. My skin gets kind of itchy and red after contact with seawater. But it totally goes away after a while. So eew. I hate the water in Singapore.
So went to NYP yesterday with diy and shar and sharifah. We were supposed to like help out with this music video of diy's bro.
It turned out we had to freaking dance! We (me, sharifah and sharleen) were like so shocked cos we didn't know anything about any dance.
We had to learn the dance in one hour and i still think i totally cmi.
Anyway diy had to be the female lead in the song. So although we were kinda miffed at having to dance (we didn't know, not even diy), we shut up when we saw what she had to do with the other guy( the male lead). LOL
Poor diy and us.
So me and shar decided to go back to school to see if there were any teachers still in school.
We started joking about having a feeling of deja-vu. Or deva-ju, as me and diy used to say. lol
There were NONE. Like we only saw mdm lim and mr ang. LOL. And mr ang, as usual, was standing outside the G.O, doing his job (scolding students.)
Hahaha. Guess everyone is still having that, new-year-resolution-i-must-be-good mentality and going home early to study. Not bad.
Typical singaporeans.
So we went back to amk hub and were so, so sad that we were walking back to the station from school. The one route we always took for granted.
Kind of sad and miss the school and all.
Went back to amk hub to buy my blusher from the face shop. I don't even know what i'm doing buying it. It's pink. I like the orangey kind better.I think.
Anyway shar was really sweet and went with me to buy, helping me to pick.
Realised i was so so tired when i got home. I just fell asleep on the couch after bathing, my hair all wet. gosh
Then watched deal or no deal. HUNKS EDITION! yayLabels: class, girls, more fun, no time, sentosa
loved on 11:52 AM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Changi escapades
Hahaha.Not the kind of thing you're thinking of. *quackquack*
Went to Changi airport today with Diy the Lovely. XD
We were supposed to meet at twelve. I didn't know, so i smsed her: "Woman! What time do we meet? Where do we go?"
So she replied " Noon, right? Haha, anywhere. We'll discuss later then."
Me the smart thought she meant later in the afternoon and switched the computer on and started to check my mail.
"Hey NYC, where are you?"
Oh god she meant 12 noon. Logical right? I am such a cadet! Gosh
Poor diy had to wait like almost half an hour for me. So sorry...
Went on the platform's station directory thing to decide where to go. So we were like, "Let's go Changi Airport! Terminal 3."
:D So we went. Quite a long train ride, which we spent talking. Lol
Reached Tanah Merah station and changed trains. Diy was like, correct train not? Then we started peering around for signs after we got on the train.
Diy was so funny, she kept thinking we were on the wrong train till i pointed out this guy with a large suitcase sitting on the right of me. Hahahahah
Reached Changi airport after a really really long ride from the expo to Changi. 0.O
Terminal 3 is beautiful! But not as crowded as terminals 1 or 2.
Termainal 3 departure hall

camwhoring on travellators!

her chocolate frost malt

our clam chowder in bread bowls :D

glam queen even when eating. tsk

auto water cooler!! happyyy :D diy loves this so much

waiting for skytrain to terminal 2. hoho

i look best here. Can't see face!


Ahaha, we bought a ring each! Hers a black, victorianish kind that's beautifully intricate. Mine's a silver (loose, no size 14s) one that you can twirl the top of!
This dice thing. Definitely will come in handy during tests when i can spin to guess answers. :D
We went back to buy this sauce thing (O.o why are we buying sauces in the airport??!) from the nice auntie there who gave us so many samples of nice food. lol
We hope to win the thing. HAHA. Secret.
Took the uber long bus ride home. 858. yay right to my house.
So tired but happy!
We must go out again soon!
So sorry to some of you who are in Jcs. Well you learn stuff, we're having a ball of a time playing. :D
Like what diy would say, "Sucks to be you."
Oh well we'll get it soon la.
Love you all too!
Spread the love around and tell someone you really care about. XD
Labels: you know you love me
loved on 8:45 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Alright, so it's gonna be coming soon...and we all know what i'm talking about.
Urgh. So, first and foremost, a happy vacation to me and Queen! Who will be respectively going off to Taiwan and Hongkong. XD
Happy going around the world+work for Edwin! Who is currently in Dubai or Poland or god knows where, terrorising workmates and having the hell of a good time.
Happy studying in university, to Hacoen! He is now back in Watford starting school today. Hope it's not very busy.
It seems most of my friends have left or are going to leave the country. Pretty weird feeling. Oh no, i'll miss elizabeth so so much. Darn Australia.
I will get presents for you guys, but don't blame me if it's clothing or stupid stuff. I only know how to shop for myself. XD
Queen, get me dim sum! hahaha!
Anyway, probably will be going out with diy tomorrow. Aha, for you people stuck in school.
Okay that was mean, but i've heard meaner stuff. Like the mean-spirited joke around? 'One of your subs beat all of mine in L1R5' or crap like that.
:D So pissed yknow. Gotta sort you self-obsessed, disoriented, thick-skulled egomaniacs out.
Right. Call me if you guys want anything from Taiwan. Personally i don't know what they have there too. I'll post pics up when i get back. I think.
It's raining a lot now, almost everyday. I'm hoping it won't tomorrow! *rain rain, go away, little people want to play ( are we considered little?)
It's so evil of the government to force this GSCE O' levels thing on us when we're like, 16? So young, you know.
Us harmless teenagers who wouldn't do anything to harm no one and have never done anyone no wrong.
Then there's the Jcs, which i rather not think about.
When exactly is the lunch for foursixers? Or is it just girls? Or just some people? Bleh
Life gets crazier and weirder each day. Everyone's flying off! Gosh.
How i wish i can become a bird and just fly away. Wouldn't mind eating worms. LOL.
Okay, maybe not.
Life was like a box of chocolates, You never know what you're gonna get.
-Forrest Gump movie
Labels: chocolates, love, movies, sun, sweets, vacation
loved on 3:52 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Woke up today super tired with a headache. Yeap. My sister was gently knocking on the door and asking me to wake up.
It seems super funny. It's like people never dare to wake me up in a violent or irritating manner even though no one has suffered any major assaults or abuse by yours truly after attempting to wake me.
That time at Kukup, this little girl there who was with one of the family, and she was kind of annoying.
Then in the morning, she had already woken up and came to irritate us, people sleeping all together in the living room.
We slept at around 4 plus, in the morning, and were so tired we just crashed there.
Back to the story, so she started to tickle, my sister, who was sleeping beside me. Then she poked Stephanie, who was sleeping on my other side, and tried to jump on her.
Poor Steph was having a cold la.
Surprisingly, she didn't even so much as touch me, though i was partially awake.( my toes were freezing!)
LOL. My mum then said it's cos of me having that 'touch-me-and-die' or the 'touch-me-and-get-beaten-up' air around me.
So went to Castlegreen condominium, which is the one at the yio chu kang mert station. The castle-ly one.
Had a nice time talking to my cousins and eating...
and most of all, PLAYING WITH ZENDEN!
He is so so adorable! Tiny little hands, tiny little feet, wrapped in mittens and booties and he was wearing a cute GAP jumpsuit thing.
I touched his face, which is like so soft. And his eyes are big, for a little dude. Cute laa!
Then my auntie, who is his grandmother( i feel old), let me carry him. o.O
He is incredibly tiny and has that 'HANDLE WITH CARE-FRAGILE' feeling. hahaha. He smiled at me when i was holding him!

When he wants his milk, he'll start crying and kicking, and his mouth becomes an 'O' shape. LOL! Really amusing. My mum then took the milk bottle and fed him.
Half opened eyes. XD He'll always open his eyes when drinking his milk. Jeslyn, his aunt( LOL!) told me.
There! To get him to burp. Hahahaha. He looks like a bumble bee.
I feel old. LOL
Then pam and queen called me just to irritate me and say some rubbish. ( What else?) LOL. Queen, you and your lao mao bing!
Hahaha. Went out of the function room and started taking pics with jeslyn. With her bro as the photographer. expert, expert.
Then went back home and saw some old guys playing badminton. Really good. But i'm not surprised.
If you guys think i'm going to lose the 'not having kids' mentality and start getting maternal, no. LOL. I'm still scared of kids! hahahahha
Labels: alls well that ends well
loved on 9:03 PM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Alright, i'm back, after about a few days of depression. LOL
Okay what can i say, work's the same as usual.
Boring. And the people i get to talk to are...okay i guess. Lots of fun. XD
There are so many kinds of people from every nationality and country.
Hope everyone will have fun!
I'll be going to Taiwan for the new year. Which is uber cool. And i can go there to cool down and try to save whatever sanity i can after i get my results.
Which is one thing i'm trying not to think about now.
SHOPSHOPSHOP. Buy new year clothes already not, people? hehheh
I got mine. 2 dresses. 2 scarves(??). Goodness knows why. earrings. 2 pairs of shoes. Make up. Blah blah
I spent lots of money already. Oh man. I need to find out where all my money went. -.- Girlf still owes me...
Must manage finances. After all, basic maths right? Wayne and Daniel's many hours of patient coaching. LOL. Cannot let them down.
I am learning Cantonese and a Chinese 'dialect' thing from a Chinese girl and the auntie who works with me.
V v fun! The auntie says i have a natural flair for languages. hahahaha. No way. I'm just a good copy-cat. XD
I asked her about this Cantonese phrase i heard from one auntie. "Say lor!"
She was so amused. Told me it meant "Si le". ( chinese) Which meant "die already". LOL
Not bad eh? First timer learn vulgar stuff already.
But super fun. hoho
Then this auntie came to visit again. She came twice before. Then today she brought this guy along with her.
I didn't even see her la. There was this huge crowd obstructing the front entrance. Then i only saw this guy, whose head was poking out from the rest. ( he is 1.85cm?) obviously
I was sitting in the shop, then saw him staring. Then i stared back. But decided i was being rude then i skulked off to sit behind the counter, refusing to go out to see if he might need anything.
I am such a bad salesperson.
Anyway he and the auntie walked in, to say hi to me. Malu la. So they were looking for me. And my butt was firmly planted on the stool, refusing to budge.
Friendliness. :D
Well, turned out he was her nephew. And he is a chinese-english. Or a BBC ( british-born chinese). He is so cute! Nose not so sharp but the eyes are like super nice.
Okay so his name is Hacoen. (spelling?)
Pronounced " her-kan"
Chinese name " He kang"
I sat outside half talking to the aunt, half wanting to get up and run back in the shop. Then he sat there looking unfriendly.
Until he suddenly took out his cam and went " Smile! Over here!"
So he took a pic of me and the aunt. And she complained her face looked too big and must retake.
So we took again. LOL
A bit freaky. I was like kinda embarrassed cos he took the pic and there wasn't any way i could say no.
I was blushing there la! And i don't even freaking blush.
Then i ran in and left them outside.
The aunt started to talk to auntie Sophia and he went back to looking miserable.
So i went out and asked him to come in to look around the shop.
Turns out he lives in Britain. Wat ford or something.
And he is 20 years old. But looks like our age.
He is so friendly once you talk to him. I guess we're all like that.
So after that we went out for a drink, his treat and were laughing and talking lots of rubbish.
he like cannot remember my name, so st first i said "yokecheng".
Then he repeated. Then i said, never mind, "yujing".
Then i was like "can remember?"
He was like, yea, "yujing"
In the end he just called me jingjing. o.O
Kept saying jingjing, jingjing, over and over again.
So i asked him, " So, what's my name?"
Then he said, "Xingxing."
"Stars right?"
lmao.I was laughing so hard la. xingxing. then he got it and started laughing too.
Both of us were like, " gorilla, gorilla, xingxing!!"
Oh gosh. We too free and bored.
Yeap, and then went to swenson's for dinner! yay.
ps: i think the chili fish pasta is too spicy. Fish-in-a-jacket is nicer. :D
stay happy, everyone!
You know you all deserve it.
Except for me, though. If i ever get struck by lightning, it won't be just my luck, but...karma.
Play hard, study hard, you know i miss you all.
Labels: you know you love me
loved on 12:35 AM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
In life, there are us and downs. We always tend to remember what nasty things that happened to us more than the good times.
But why do that? To forget the good memories and harbour grudges against others.
I don't remember the bad memories. I'm just like a Pandora's box. I lock up the bad memories and keep them from escaping.
Good or bad? You decide.
I don't really remember anything bad that happened to me.
Maybe that time when i was 5 and swinging really high on the swings. And i accidentally kicked my sister when she ran in front of me.
But that's her story, not mine.
Or the time when i sprained my ankle while running to school because i was late for choir.
Or when i was caned by my dad for screaming at him in the car. Well, i was a little loud.
Other than that i don't remember.
Pandora's box.
Maybe that's why i always have nightmares of me running away when i sleep. Something is always chasing me. Maybe it shows i'm an escapist in nature.
Who knows?
I am now sitting inside the antique shop, writing this. All around silence except for the gentle tinkling of the wind chimes hanging at the back of the shop.
tink-ling, tink, tink-ling.
It's rather unnerving, sitting almost in darkness, with only statues staring back. Unblinking eyes. Unmoving forms.
Statues don't say anything do they? Hope not.
It would be so freaky, like in Dollmaster, if they could.
Oh my god, and talking about that, i remember the countless toys i have abandoned or given away.
I'm so sorry. I wouldn't do anything to hurt other people though. Not on purpose.
May swarms of termites descend upon your family tree if you are the sort who delights in doing that sort of things.
I am sweet.
I hope everyone will be happier soon. Please let us be. I miss foursix a lot.
Please shut up if you have nothing to say to me. I'd hate it if you rant on and on about nothing.
Unless you're a girl ( i'm more forgiving and sympathetic towards girls, i'm a girl myself), or ed or leo or neighbour
Or gay. Full stop.Labels: They've been kicking my heart around
loved on 11:26 PM
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Yay, it's the first day of the year!
1. Must promise to be good.
2.Must study hard
3. Exercise more.
4. Be nicer to people
5. Try not to look mean when not smiling
6. Make time for friends, and...more friends!
So sorry didn't go out with you today, pam, let's go buy shoes sometime!
I realise i am like super broke now and i'm ready to rob the bank. I don't remember who it was who promised me he/she'll be my accomplice when we're 80 and have lived almost all our lives and we'll go rob a bank.
I mean, we figured we could enjoy the money if we get away with it. Or spend the rest of our lives in jail, which considering the age, won't be that long. LOL
I really want to try everything in life once. At least once. I don't wanna die with regrets. Sounds morbid but true.
Like scuba-diving, sky diving, bungee rope jumping, island escapade, nomadic lifestyle, african safaries, exploring the Amazon, seeing Victoria Falls, etc.
Happy dreaming, but whatever.
Anyway, you know we cannot see each other anymore. Not really, but asking a person out is soo difficult.
I need to go out, i need to work, i need shoes, i need money. -.-
Don't ask me why i'm like that. It's just the way i am, deal with it. I cannot be close to you. I don't want to. Don't ask me why. Don't ask me how.
Like a kite flying directionless without it's string. Like a boat without a captain to steer the helm. How do you go back? Don't worry, no one knows.
Singing, singing, ever so softly.
There are so many things to look forward to. Like the warm sun rays falling on your shoulders. The way the air smells after grass is freshly cut. The sound of surf crashing on the beach. The way the back of a baby's neck smells. Hot chocolate on a cold day.
What do you know?
Blood must be shed. I'll keep my knife sharpened, ready to slit a dog's throat somewhere. (A metaphor, really)Labels: Engagements aplenty keep us adrift.
loved on 9:14 PM