Sunday, March 30, 2008
My random unsynchronized photos.
At the airport

Singing 'No Importa La Distancia'
Right of me, eugene. Left of me, pamela.
Hahahahaahah he looks funny. There, two decent photos of the fellow cam-whorer.

Pamela! Hahahaha :D

Mr Kwei our conductor! :D

Dear singing frogs


Squeak squeak!
Okay more unglam photos next time. Lol
Labels: camwhore, hotelluise, yay
loved on 10:08 PM
Day 1 reached Milan, accomodation Ibis Hotel
Okay some pics were from pamela's cam. LOL so i don't really think i should post too much. Hahaha post mostly mine.
Pretty air stewardess.

The black sign at the back? "Restricted Area"
Dubai's a desert. Some himbo was disagreeing.

Snow capped mountains

Daryl, pamela, me, yaoxin. Singing frogs!

Some stuffed pasta thing. Which is a lot. And we couldn't finish the main course. Some meat thing i only ate two bites.
And this pics thing is requested from THE QUEEN, Joanne
Courtesy of lousy photographer, i.e. me
and pics from pamela LOL (self proclaimed better photographer)
Labels: italy pics request from THE QUEEN
loved on 3:07 PM
Friday, March 28, 2008
Okay! Ignore my last post i copied from the festival website the stuff la, i mean the italiano is cool. (is it even italian?) LOL
Anyway wanna thank you lovely guys for supporting us all the way! XD
Labels: you know i love you
loved on 10:02 PM
"Concorso Corale Internazionale"
10th International Choir Competition
Riva del Garda, Italy
16- 19 Marzo 2008
Gewinner des Großpreiswettbewerbs -
Grand Prize Winner:
Anderson Junior College Choir, Nelson Kwei, Singapore
Gewinner des Publikumspreises -
Winner of the public prize :
Anderson Junior College Choir, Nelson Kwei, Singapore
Kategoriesieger -
Category winner :
Anderson Junior College Choir, Nelson Kwei, Singapore
Dirigentenpreis -
Conductor Prize :
Nelson Kwei
It was quite fun and cold there and i'm super super happy we won! XD
Good job to other singapore choirs who went, Catholic high, TKGS, NJC, RV, Holy Infants etc
Good experience and Riva was so beautiful.
Our hotel's not even that ex and we have a million-dollar view. In fact we have million-dollar views everywhere. :D
Gelato! Hahaha. Pamela's one is some tiramisu flavoured thing.
Mine is caffe. (Coffee la)
Ciao ciao!
Labels: cafetteria, gelatteria, pasticceria, pizzaria
loved on 9:22 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Hi everyone,
As our stock only have a few pieces remaining so we are having a BIG sale! So GRAB them now!!
All prices have been changed and are fixed. So don't miss it!!! Here is the link
You can either contact me directly or email to Thanks! Please forward this message to your friends too!!! Once again thanks for the support! Hope to hear from you soon. :)
Best regards, Jeslyn Soh
Alright that was my cousin's blog and she's having this blog shop can go see if you like any of the dresses. It really is quite cheap la. lol
I shall talk about my italy trip sometime as I'm currently feeling quite sick and missed school today.
Ciao ciao!
donna: ladies
uomo: men
bambinos: babies!Labels: clothes, crazed, dresses, italy, sale
loved on 5:26 PM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Ooh lala. Going to Italy tonight! I'm super happy but i got this dream that just kept repeating itself over and over again last night.
We keep singing Iddem-Dem Mallida. And then i couldn't hear anyone but me and pamela. And we were singing in a shopping mall thing? And then from the second floor some guy kept staring down and it's freaky but i still remember his face. And Mr Kwei is a woman!! (albeit a good looking one) What is wrong with me now?? Ohmygod
Ohmygosh la. I'm scared too. Of the competition. And it was random that Nian kiat and Wilson came over to visit me yesterday. Like at 12 plus?
LOL all us nocturnal creatures.
Then we talked and said so much rubbish. ( kinda accounts for my weird dreams huh)
Thanks guys! Very long never ketchup(it's a wayne thing dun ask me) with you all.
Anyway, i positively have something against people trying to wake me in the morning, good intentions or not.
I actually vaguely see/ hear people moving around in my room and talking, or trying to anyway, to me. And i'm like,
who? what?
Then yesterday my brother tried to wake me up for brunch(yes it's 12 plus) and he started to call me loudly. And he stood facing my back.
I just jolted awake la! He totally frightened me. And i'm sure he scared at least 10 years off my life.
Gosh...thinks of wrinkles and Botox.
And a funny thing is some people in Aj choir call me Mother/Mummy/Ah bu/Ma. Quite funny.
I walked past this girl who kinda just joined us and i went, "Alyssa right? Hi!"
And she was like so guilty cos she couldn't remember my name. "Your name starts with a Y right?"
I was kind of sniggering, "Ya, you guess?"
She went "Oh no, i'm so sorry i can't remember!"
In a quieter tone, gently mumbling "I do know a lot of people call you Mother..."
Sheesh! The things they say. Ha!
-smoothens face and pretends not to get agitated-
This is so nice. :D -happy-
Okay random posting and sidelines bitchiness aside, i still gotta get back to packing. Yay.
Ciao, ma cheries!
No, that's french??
Ciao, my darling bambinos!
PS: Wait, who's n??
Reveal yourself you silly twat or may the wrath of the Mother be upon you.
God did i just say that? Haha! Labels: you know you still love me
loved on 2:01 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
What is that?
The songs we sing are all kind of depressing. The beauty surrounding nothing, surprise we have encountering death, blah blah.
And we're singing Kasar too! And Sigulempong. :D Super super happy. Cos got sing before in Anderson.
Okay me and pamela refer Anderson JC as Aj. And Anderson sec as Anderson. XD
Anyway i'm a bit happier now after spending today in an okay choir prac, getting the choir t-shirt and gown and lunching with the guys.
And leon made me another ambigram! (he gave me one for my birthday).
It's like this drawing.

Flip it around and it says GROWTH.
He gave this for my birthday and i was happy cos it's in purple! yay i'm a fag.

Friends Forever. He stayed up to do it cos i was kinda depressed and stuff and was emoing to him. Haha
Purple again! :D Don't you just think it's cool?
I know i'm gushing and all, but i'm the kind who get so envious of people who can draw. What is up with them?!
Gosh, choir songs are all getting to our heads.
Don't ask me for presents cos i will only get for my family and myself. There's no time and i've no money my darlings. Pardon my rudeness and apparent lack of people skills.
I'll miss you guys!
Labels: florence, milan, riva del garda, rome, venice
loved on 8:55 PM
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Alright, my birthday has come and gone and now i'm 17!! Ahaha
Loads of love to you guys who stayed up till 12 to message me happy birthday! XD I was seriously thinking i wouldn't get any messages cept from pamela and alice and bunch.
Love you people so much. Anyway i woke up to my phone under my back and i was like, ooh, 12 messages.
Then i replied every one of them (sorry pamela! I accidentally didn't send yours and it got stuck in Drafts) and Alice actually replied me immediately!
It was like 4.30 am. LOL. Her reply was " Wow, you're awake?"
Haha! That girl was watching soccer la!
LOL. And the lovely people, gave me a surprise with a birthday cake and some funny 'happy birthday, flea' thing. XD
Thanks pamela, anuja, sinyee,alice, stella, dinah, evelyn, melissa, bryan, meinu, brendon and kelvin!
Pamela stayed up till 12, or 1 plus to do the card thing, which has photos of me and them in sec school. :D Got one unglam one hahahah
They kept singing the birthday song till almost everyone in school knew it was my birthday! Like, random ppl i don't really know wished me happy birthday to me. 6th March people! hahahaha
Anyway i'll be joining AJidol thing. As you know, or not, it's some performing thing la. I'm going to sing a duet with my friend from choir. Renzhi.
We'll sing "Way back into love" most probably. I love that song. I love guy girl duets la.
Anyway, don't assume anything by what i post here. I can say stupid stuff, emo stuff, happy stuff but they don't necessarily reflect my current mood. I might feel something is quite true and just post it, regardless of my situation.
And i got from neighbour(yihan) and bryan(8-10 yr friendship) a box full of mars bars and cucumbers and a carton of tomato juice!! LOL thanks a lot. Love it!! XD
Hahahah all you nutty people. Thanks for the presents and cake and birthday wishes. XD
Labels: you know you love me
loved on 12:21 PM
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Why is something we all crave so desperately so impossible to hold on to?
What genetic code is written into our species that makes the whole process so difficult? It's not like female...say...raccoons go through some whole agonizing dance -" he didn't call me; he called me too often; my friends don't like him; we have different needs."
They just say , "Hey, male raccoon, wanna have raccoon babies and wander around scrounging for fish together?"
Or, you know, so i think. It's not like I'm a raccoonologist or something. But you see my point.
-From "Seven Ways To Lose Your Lover." by Alesia Holliday
PS: Fine, i read pink books, chick flicks and brainless stuff. So there. Why don't you stuff it in your diet yogurt and eat it, if you're not already anorexic.
PPS: Copyright of NYC. I hate plagiarism (yes that's the word LOL) so don't try stealing my lines.
PPPS: I'm not bitchy.:DLabels: oops, yes i know, you lost it there
loved on 12:37 PM