Then my balloon squeaked super loudly when I squashed it against my chair. Then the guy in front was like, looking at his friend with a tortured-pained-amused look cos at that moment Lummie went, "Later the balloons pop here hahaha."
Then we found this gray pencil-box (left by people sitting in front of me) and I returned it to the fellow's friend. He must have been shocked surprised when me and Lummie accousted him while he was wandering around.
Okay so after choir ended, we wet to the market to eat and I gave one balloon to a little boy! (okay he asked for it, but so amusing)
Him,"Whose balloons?"
Yizhen, Wanchun, *points to me
Him, "Can I have one? Can I have one?"
Then we were all thinking it was kinda rude but I wanted to give him anyway since it's VDay Eve-Eve and all. But then I suddenly thought, Omg, he's a guy. If I give him a pink heart shaped balloon will he grow up weird?
So I was half rising outta my seat, half thinking. Then I kajiao-ed him, "You want balloons for what? Give your girlfriend?"
Then he ran off. Hahhaha.
So dinner continued. Then he ran back again.
Him, "Whose balloons?"
All of us *-.-
Him *runs behind me
"Can you give me one balloon? Can you give me one?"
Me, "Okay, take one la. Uh wait, one has my name on it."
So I plucked one balloon out and gave him one. Then he ran off.
Lol then what happened was quite amusing, esp to the fellow BC members eating there.
Him, "Huh?"
Me (smiling in the adult-cajoling-kid face) "What must you say?"
Him (whirls back smiling brillantly) "Thankyou!"
Hahaha so cute! The way he smiled was like so...unaffected, so happy and true. The pure happiness of having gotten something. It's like, it kinda hits out at you cos of the sheer and singular happiness.
Imagine this wave of happiness. XD
But I always only favour happy kids. I ignore screaming kids or sulky ones. Lol. Scary la okay?
Oh the volleyballers (Castro Monkey and Pamela's class's Vballer) say that we (sops and altos) sound scary...
They say at night they play in the MPH then they hear this wailing from faraway. LOL.
Carissa says our Ronde was creepy and the sops' high note(the hold quite long one) shocked them.
HAHAHA yayy means we are getting it right!
Today is Friday the 13th! Must swear not to gossip. According to Sis (JJ), it's bad luck HAHA.
Minhuay, "Karma's a bitch."
My post so long! No pics somemore. Thanks 13/08 and all who gave me VDay presents! I really appreciate it and like them a lot! Minhui folded this rose from a ribbon. O: Wow...
Ps: I didn't know Cihui bakes. Cool right! XD And its so nice la! Why can't I bake?
Omg and I think I deflated Alice's balloon when I played with it too long. :X Paiseh alice! ):
I realise my whole post is about balloons! O: Happy VDay all of you!
Love and be loved.