You prepare...the lovely, the beautiful explosion.
There are five kinds of healing. A healing of the attitude, the natural immune system, medical science, miracles, and...dea-
But suddenly a scream is emitted from the pit. A howl, a screech, a shriek. It goes straight to heaven and pierces the skies.
You hang motionless in the air
Sullen and bored the kids stay
And in this way they wish away each day?
Stoned in the mall the kids play
And in this way wish away each day?
Humming humming droning around me.
I don't really know
If I care what is normal
And I'm not really sure
If the pills I've been taking are helping
You cannot move at all apart from your limbs. The blood is rushing to your brain.
It's like you're trapped in jelly. You can't go up, you can't go down.
Humming is closing in.
The whispers, hisses, "Ssssa kaa tuu, si! Come back. Come, princessssss. You don't belong. Come back. Siiiiii..."
The drums, the drums. You hear them so clear.
They are not drums, they are your heartbeat. Irregular, speeding up, the rush, feel the rush.
You neither sink nor float.
You thrash about but you get nowhere. The jelly around you is mushed up but you go nowhere. The humming is louder. The whispers deafen, "Sssssso, princessssss. Come kingdom kind coooome come with meeeeee.", "Comeeeee...", "Come, come, come hereeee..."
Liquid is slowly forming around your face.